The biggest opportunity for change on Earth is us.
WildAid inspires change and empowers the world to protect wildlife and vital habitats from critical threats including illegal wildlife trafficking, climate change, and illegal fishing. WildAid delivers impact at scale in two distinct ways: 1) creating innovative communications campaigns that inspire millions of people in China, South East Asia, Africa, and the U.S. to protect endangered wildlife and reduce climate impacts, and 2) strengthening effective ocean enforcement of priority marine areas including marine protected areas, coastal fisheries, coral reefs, and blue carbon habitats with government, NGO, and community partners in 16 countries around the globe.
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WildAid’s high-impact media campaigns feature some of the most influential voices in the world advocating for wildlife conservation on a massive scale thanks to nearly $218 million worth of donated media placement each year. Our video, print and online campaigns have measurably increased awareness about poaching, and prompted changes in attitudes and behavior. As a result, there have been significant drops in prices and consumption of endangered species products, such as ivory, rhino horn and shark fin.
We are able to reach hundreds of millions of people each year online, outside and at home. Our campaigns are featured on broadcast television and radio, on trains and airplanes, at bus stops and subway stations, and more.