In the News

China offers buyouts to wildlife farmers in response to pandemic

The Chinese government is offering to buy out animals on wildlife farms, and to help farmers change their agricultural practices, in an effort to reduce the consumption of wild animals. This step could have big implications for the management of wildlife in China in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say.

Stop destroying the environment or face deadlier pandemics, scientists warn

Environmentalists and scientists issued dire warnings this week: Stop environmental destruction and the illegal wildlife trade now —

Global wildlife coalition launched to prevent the next pandemic

Leading wildlife organizations have come together to work towards banning global wildlife trade

Coronavirus: Carrie Symonds joins new global fight to end wildlife trade and animal trafficking

‘Mobilising a global response to end the trade is the most pressing action we can take today to ensure a pandemic like Covid-19 never happens again’

Anti-wildlife trafficking groups target viral origin

Conservationists are demanding an end to the wildlife trade to stamp out the root cause of zoonotic outbreaks such as the coronavirus pandemic

The End Of Wildlife Trafficking?

COVID-19 presents a double-edged sword for wildlife. While it could trigger a permanent ban on trade, it will almost certainly lead to a spike in poaching.

New York, California lawmakers call for state ban on ‘wet markets’ amid coronavirus

New York and California state lawmakers are calling for a shutdown of all “wet markets” in their states, rolling out new legislation on both coasts to ban the markets—which in China are believed to be linked to the origins of the coronavirus pandemic—for good.

Scales tip in favour of pangolins as hosts of Coronavirus ‘transition’

As the Covid-19 pandemic spreads its tentacles across all continents except Antarctica, scientists in China and the US are racing to pin down its biological origins. Mounting findings across the globe highlight the world’s most trafficked mammal as the likely pandemic carrier.

WildAid’s CEO Peter Knights speaks with BBC’s Rob Young

WildAid’s CEO Peter Knights speaks with BBC’s Rob Young about the public health dangers of wildlife markets.

From coronavirus to antibiotics: the ways we use animals ‘still risks spreading disease’

Experts agree it all began in an animal market in China – but there are other threats from the way we live, too. As scientists race to develop a vaccine to help curb the coronavirus in future, others are looking back at how it began, with a view to preventing future outbreaks.

Shark fin bill: A significant step in the right direction | State Rep. Kristin Jacobs

SB 680 is not only good for the future of sharks, it’s good for divers, fishers, the environment and our economy. It’s precisely why this environmentalist stands solidly in support and why I urge Gov. Ron DeSantis to sign it into law, state Rep. Kristin Jacobs writes in an op-ed